1. Sutjiono, B., Ahmad, S., & Jaya, E. (2022). Feasibility and Benefit of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis via Teleconsultation in Indonesia: A Case Study of a 40-Year-Old Schizoaffective Disorder Patient. Behaviour Change, 1-14. doi:10.1017/bec.2022.11
2. Sutjiono, B., Fawzia, S., & Jaya, E.S. (2021, July 5–July 7): Feasibility and benefit of cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis via teleconsultation in Indonesia: a case study of a 40-year old schizoaffective patient [Paper presentation]. The 7th Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. https://www.mscp.my/_files/ugd/d3d88d_d091c742ce204eb09ae9547e44dfff81.pdf