Online Gaming - Indonesian Psychological Healthcare Center


Online Gaming

  • Jap, T., Tiatri, S., Jaya, E. S.*, & Suteja, M. S. (2013). The development of Indonesian Online Game Addiction Questionnaire, PLoS One (IF = 2.81, 2016), 8(4): e61098. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061098
  • Jaya, E. S., Tiatri, S., Jap, T., & Halim, W. (2012). Online game effect on perception of violence, sexuality, and delinquency behaviors: study from Salatiga and Jakarta school students. Oral Presentation di 4th Asian Psychological Association, 5-7 July 2012, Jakarta.
  • Oktorina, K., Jaya, E. S., Jap, T., & Tiatri, S. (2010). The relationship of school protective factor, especially ‘high expectation’, to school students’ online game habit. Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan, 3. [in Bahasa Indonesia]
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