Suicide Prevention - Indonesian Psychological Healthcare Center

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger:

Advice from IndoPsyCare clinician-scientists

What is suicide?

Suicide may be defined as “the act of intentionally causing one’s own death, often related to complex stressors and health issues leading individuals to experience hopelessness and despair.”  (Center for Addiction and Mental Health, 2023). Suicide should be differentiated from suicide ideation.

Suicide ideation may be defined as “thoughts about or a preoccupation with killing oneself…” (APA Dictionary of Psychology, 2023)

These may range from passing ideas such as:

  • Live is not worth living
  • No one would care if I died
  • The world would be better off without me
  • I would be better off dead

Facts about suicide

Reminder: You cannot continue to operate in crisis mode.

Although the aforementioned safety plan can help you in the short term, it is imperative that you see a doctor or mental health provider. These professionals can help address your suicidal thoughts and the underlying conditions that perpetuate them.

Helping someone who is suicidal: How to start a conversation about suicide

Remember: Treat people who have engaged in acts of self-harm with the same care, respect and privacy as anyone else. Whilst it is important to be sensitive to the emotional distress associated with self-harm, do not treat these individuals as though they are made of glass.

The notion that talking about suicide increases the probability of someone committing suicide is a myth. Conversely, talking about suicide can help you encourage individuals to get the help they need.

Facts and myths about suicide

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Our clinician-scientists offer English and Indonesian psychotherapy. They are now seeing patients in person at One Pacific Place, Indonesia Stock Exchange, and Menara BCA. Alternatively, online, video-based psychotherapy is available. All bookings can be made online!

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